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Quoting your Stone Countertops

To quote your countertops or stone fabrication, we will assist you along the way and make it easy as possible.  You can follow the steps below to prepare the information required to provide you with a quote.

1. Layout

The first step is to make a sketch of where you plan to have your stone product installed.  This sketch doesn't have to be perfect, but it should be close enough to allow us to quantify how many square feet your surface is, and so that we can lay out your pieces on a slab of material.  It only needs to be on a typical 8.5" x 11" piece of paper, and a quick hand sketch is sufficient   You can take a picture or scan this sketch, and email it to us or drop it off at our shop in person.  We will let you know if there is any missing information.

2. Material Selection

The next step is to select your material.  There are thousands of possible materials to select, and many variables which will factor in as you select your material.  You may wish for a certain colour, pattern, durability, feel, or supplier.  These variables change per customer based on their needs.  Please refer to our "Products" section on our webpage to learn about materials.  

You also will need to decide on the thickness of the material.  We most commonly work with 3cm (1 1/4").


You can either select a material from our samples, stock or remnants at our Abbotsford warehouse, or visit one of our suppliers to select a slab.  If a slab is selected at a supplier, you can tell us what material you liked and where,  and they will send us pricing directly and we will bring the material in to our shop.  Our suppliers are listed here.


3. Stone Details

The next step is to determine stone details which may effect your price.


-Do you wish to have a standard edgem the eased edge or do you wish to have a premium edge such as an ogee edge.

-Will your counter require stone backsplashes?  For example a 4" splash, or a full heght splash?

-Do you require to have mitered edges, or waterfall gables, or any other unique details?

4. Contact Us

The next step is to contact us and we can work with you to get you your quote.  You can visit us at 31236 Wheel Ave, Abbotsford BC, call us at 604-504-3111, or email us at



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